My mission: teach people that they can heal themselves

I personally experienced severe and life-threatening symptoms for over a decade from Lyme Disease, Toxic Mold Exposure, Autoimmune Disorders, Food Allergies, Leaky Gut, Intestinal Parasites, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and the list goes on... We never thought I’d get better, and then I did.

My healing miracle came in the form of combining 15 years of research and knowledge collected from endless resources and modalities from around the world. This combination of learned skills allowed me to see what was creating my illness, and in that I discovered that I had all the power within me to change my reality and physically, mentally, and spiritually to heal.

How did i do this?

I figured out how to tap into my brain and nervous system to retrain my vagus nerve and autonomic nervous system…

-Mindset and manifestation techniques

-Energy Work

-Ayurvedic Nutrition & Wellness Principles


-Cold Therapy

-NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing)

-Over a decade of intuitive healing knowledge

- & more Magik!

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What I Provide..


Located in the Lake Tahoe area and online, Kimberly provides extraordinary and unique experiences with: Intuitive Energy Work, Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching, and Breathwork and Cold Therapy. She blends her knowledge of Mindset Techniques, Manifestation Techniques, NLP (nuero linguistic programing), Energy Work, Ayurvedic Principles, Breathwork, Cold Therapy, and More. The magical combination can reset the autonomic nervous system, balance the tissues of the body, release energetic and emotional blocks and traumas from the body, transform limiting beliefs from the mind, shine light on ego and shadow aspects, and realign the energy flowing through the body.

YOU are your own alchemist. Are you ready to tap into your magic?

In the field of science, it has been proven that all materials in the physical world are manifestations of energy in various forms. Atoms are always vibrating at a certain frequency ALL the time, and since everything in our universe is made up of atoms we are ALL vibrating ALL the time at various frequencies. We can easily and quickly shift those vibrations into a frequency that better serves us by tapping into our energy and shifting that vibration to a higher frequency. Even a smile can begin to shift our frequency to a higher level and we start to feel happier.

Good vibes

No two journeys are the same, what does yours look, feel, hear, taste, smell like..

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” -Albert Einstein

Clients express feeling more “peaceful”, “grounded”, “rejuvenated”, “energized”, “released”, “lighter”, “emotionally available”, “clearer on intentions” after a session.