What Is Your Ayurvedic Body Type?
Choose the answer that reflects your tendencies over the span of your lifetime, and/or when you have felt the healthiest and most balanced in your life(not what is true just recently as they could be current imbalances/symptoms). Try to pick the one single answer that fits best.
V) I am a slim, slender person and I hardly gain weight
P) I am medium, athletically built
K) I am well built, thicker, fuller, hippier, or beefier
2. Weight
V) I am light weight, if I gained weight, I can easily shed those pounds off
P) I am medium weight, good muscles, do not gain weight easily
K) I tend to gain in pounds and lose in ounces
3. Skin
V) My skin is dry, thin, itches often
P) My skin looks flushed, oily, I have lots of moles and freckles on my body, prone to heat rashes
K) My skin is smooth and soft, has a milky look
4. Hair
V) My hair is thin, dry and brittle
P) I have red undertones, medium thickness, receding hair line, premature graying,or balding
K) My hair is thick, full, lustrous, and slightly oily
5. Face
V) My face is oval or long and narrow
P) My face is angular or square, prominent cheek bones, pointed chin/prominent jaw line, sharp features, pointy nose
K) My face is round, wider, has soft edges
6. Eyes
V) My eyes are small; often feel dry, I blink often
P) My eyes are medium in shape, sharp, deep set, red or irritated easily
K) My eyes are big, bright, and round, white whites, gentle gaze
7. Lips
V) Thin, small, straighter (possibly prone to dryness)
P) Medium, reddish tone, cupids bow, sharper corners (possibly prone to cold sores)
K) Big, full, round, smooth
8. Nose
V) long, thin, narrow, pointy, bump on bridge
P) Medium in size, length, width, bump on bridge, pointy
K) wider, shorter, button nose, slopping, bulbous
9. Hands
V) My hands are small, generally dry or rough
P) My hands are medium, sweat easily, pink tone
K) My hands are larger, strong, firm, thick, shorter, wider, longest finger shorter than length of palm
10. Fingers
V) My fingers are long, thin and narrow
P) My fingers are medium, pointed, longest finger tends to be same length as palm, square palm
K) My fingers are large, stocky, bigger knuckles
11. Complexion
V) My skin is duller, bluish-purple tones, darker deeper under eyes
P) My skin is red, ruddy, glowing, prone to acne & rashes
K) My skin is white, pale, clear
12. Wrists
V) Dainty, bracelets are often too big, 6 inches or less around (in circumference)
P) Medium, bracelets usually fit, 6-6.5 inches
K) Stronger, bigger bones, or more tissue around the bone 6.5 or more
13. Sweating
V) I hardly sweat
P) I perspire very easily with movement, emotions, or stuffy air
K) I sweat when I work out or it's hot
14. Stamina
V) I like to do things in spurts and get tired very easily
P) I have medium stamina
K) I keep going and going and going -I can work long hours and have a good stamina
15. Resistance to Disease
V) I fall sick with a cold, flu, or exhaustion multiple times a year
P) I have medium resistance; I catch something 1 or 2 times a year
K) I have strong immune system; I hardly get sick
16. Health problems
V) I suffer from constipation, anxiety and depression, fatigue, nerve pain
P) I often get skin infections, fevers, and heartburn, rashes, diarrhea
K) I tend to get allergies, congestion, weight gain and digestive problems
17. Weather preference
V) I love warmer and humid weather, tropical climate
P) I enjoy cool weather, I hate hot climates, temperate climate
K) I like warmer and drier weather, desert/ high mountain climate
18. Voice
V) My voice tends to be weak, hoarse, sore throats, feels strained often
P) I have a strong, sharp or intense voice, I may get loud sometimes
K) My voice is deep, smooth, or calming, has a good tone
19. Sleep
V) I do not sleep soundly at night, I toss and turn I awaken early in the morning
P) I am a light sleeper, if something wakes me up, I can easily go back to sleep
K) I am a heavy sleeper (I sleep like a log)
20. Appetite
V) Varies, sometimes I feel hungry, sometimes not; I feel anxious, dizzy or faint if I don’t eat
P) I feel hunger strongly; if I don’t eat, I get irritable and hangry, I need to eat now
K) I don’t feel intense hunger; I can go without food easily for hours
21. GI tract
V) gas, bloating, constipation, abdominal gurgling, alternating diarrhea/ constipation
P) hunger pains, acid reflux, sore stomach, sour taste in mouth, diarrhea prone
K) steady digestion, not much to complain about
22. Stool imbalances
V) scanty, dry, hard stools, difficult or strainful to pass, inconsistent bowel movements
P) yellow, loose, undigested, burning, bleeding, moving too quickly through system
K) large, heavy, oily, pale, and sticky stools
23. Bowel movement
V) I tend to get constipated, irregular timing or can go a day or two without a BM
P) I get regular bowel movements, sometimes they are loose or yellow/ orange color
K) I am very regular; I wake up to go to the bathroom
24. Activities
V) I am very active person (always on the go)
P) I like to think/ plan before I do anything
K) I am steady and graceful (I don’t like to rush)
25. Actions
V) I walk fast and talk fast
P) My actions are very thoughtful, and precise
K) I like slower pace – I take my time to do things
26. Speech
V) I am very talkative, I can’t keep quiet, I am a storyteller
P) I speak very clearly, to the point, I say things with intent and direction
K) I think about what I want to say; could be more of listener than a talker
27. Emotions
V) I am a born worrier; I often feel anxious and nervous
P) I tend to get irritable and angry (if things don’t happen my way)
K) I’m a happy/ bubbly person, I can stay more grounded in my emotions
28. Memory
V) I remember quickly, but forget quickly too
P) I remember what I want to remember, hold grudges more easily
K) I have a good memory, could be slow to remember, but once I do, I never forget and remember minor details
29. Actions
V) I tend to be spontaneous; I do things before thinking of outcomes
P) I am a list maker, unless I plan, I don’t do anything
K) I’m not a big planner, I go with the flow, don't mind when others lead
30. Hobbies
V) I like art, dance, getting creative Juices flowing, light movement
P) I like intense sports, and things that get my adrenaline pumping
K) I prefer to take an easy flowing day in or outdoors, I can relax easily
31. Mind
V) My mind gets restless easily, it starts racing or looping thoughts
P) I get impatient or irritated easily
K) It takes a lot to make me mad; I usually feel very calm
32. Decision making
V) I change my mind often or worry I made the wrong choice
P) I can easily take a decision, or stick to a task or direction I take
K) I’m comfortable doing a task when someone delegates to me, I can make my own plan and calmly change direction if needed
33. Sports
V) I like action
P) I like to win (winning is not everything, winning is the only thing)
K) I like to have fun
Great work you’ve finished the questioner!
Add up each of your answers by counting how many V, P and K’s that you have answered. When you have your totals, the letter with the highest number is your body type. If you have letters that are only 1 or 2 counts away from each other then you are a dual body type.
Total of All:
V _____
P _____
K _____